
Session Title Description Format Platform Max number CW/TW? Extra info Name and Pronouns
Queer Literature This session will start with a brief talk by Emily Metcalfe from Leeds LGBT+ Book Club and Literature Festival. This will be followed by a fairly informal chat about queer literature including representation, own voices and more. Feel free to bring your own queer book recommendations Short talk followed by discussion group Zoom 25 Content discussed may not be suitable for under 18s N Emily Metcalfe (she/her)
DBT skills to survive a crisis This session is all about developing skills to survive an emotional crisis. The truth is that no one thing will work for everyone, so we will talk through a lot of different strategies that folks can use when their emotions get overwhelming. It is all about treating your emotion like it is the emergency and learning tools to reduce activation so that you can get through it (without making things worse). workshop Zoom 20 Crisis but without specific details on the crises No Sophia Graham (she/her)
Bi representation on screen: does the horror genre do it best? For a long time, bisexual people on the big screen were portrayed either as homewreckers or psychos, and almost always over-sexed. Is this representation improving? nd does the horror genre address it better than the rest? Alix will be opening with a presentation of some examples in order to kick off a discussion. Lecture blended discussion Zoom 20 Blood, discussions of bi-erasure, stereotypes, sex and horror tropes, this is however not limited. N Alix, they/them
Genderqueer & Non Binary safe space A relaxed safe space for shared experiences. This is a Trans inclusive space for Genderqueer, Genderfluid and Non Binary people along with other Non-Cis gendered people. Somewhere to chill & chat about the joys and difficulty of being beautifully us.Those questioning their identities are very welcome. Relaxed discussion space, very open. Zoom 30 however if there are more people that cannot access the space they can request to come in by emailing over to the main BiCon inbox and we can ask if you're happy to allow extras.  Discussions may include mental health, dysphoria, self harm, queer/transphobia/enbyphobia, homophobia however this is not limited as it is an open space. Any triggers that are affecting attendees should be called out to the Tech person privately (myself)  N Niall, ask as these change
SuperFat+ Happy Safe Space A safe space for fat people over a UK size 24 to come together and chat about being Bi+ and fat in the UK. We will not be allowing mentioning of a specific weight or BMI in numbers or talk of diets or intentional weight loss. Discussion. I will act as compare and prod conversation along, but it will be an open format Zoom 30 by email Discussions of weight and eating disorders. medical fatphobia, fatphobia, family and societal pressure to lose weight. Self-hate and talk of self-harm, abuse of substances in lieu of eating etc. I have said that we will not be allowing mentioning of a specific weight or BMI in numbers or talk of diets or intentional weight loss. These topics still may be talked about. N Rae Durrant (he/they)
Fat Happy Safe Space A safe space for fat people to come together and chat about being Bi+ and fat in the UK. We will not be allowing mentioning of a specific weight or BMI in numbers or talk of diets or intentional weight loss. Discussion. I will act as compare and prod conversation along, but it will be an open format Zoom 30 by email Discussions of weight and eating disorders. medical fatphobia, fatphobia, family and societal pressure to lose weight. Self-hate and talk of self-harm, abuse of substances in lieu of eating etc. I have said that we will not be allowing mentioning of a specific weight or BMI in numbers or talk of diets or intentional weight loss. These topics still may be talked about. N Rae Durrant (he/they)
A Sabbath Service An evening religious service of singing, hebrew & english language with reference to reform Judaism online prayer book. This is open to anyone with an interest in Judaism. Service, with giving offers for other people to get involved if they want to Zoom 50 Hebrew is a very gender binary specific language, this should be addressed on the CW.  n Lydia (they/them)
Bi+ and Beyond - Documentary Screening: This activist-made documentary aims to give voice to the less visible spectrum of the LGTBQI+ community and includes interviews filmed at the 2014 LGTBQI+ ILGA-Europe Conference in Riga (Latvia) to plurisexual activists from different countries about their personal experience and their bi+, trans, intersex and intersectional activism. Screening Zoom Open LGTBIphobia is discussed. This content may not be suitable for under 18s Lenght: 1 hour -spans across 2 sessions due to this - Year of release: 2021, Country: Spain. Anna Maria Staiano (She/Her They/Them)
Neurodiverse workshop - Intro to Executive Function Executive Function and its effects! Open to all who are neurodiverse (eg autism, ADHD,dyspraxia, dyslexia, Tourettes Syndrome), whether formally diagnosed, self-diagnosed or questioning. Exact format will depend on the number of participants, Facilitated by a neurodiverse person! Interactive session, all one group Zoom Up to 25 May include some talk of mental health - not in-depth Nic (she/her)
Queer Sci-Fi/Fantasy Media Session for sharing and discussion of queer sci-fi and fantasy media, including books, TV/film, games, etc. Discussion Zoom Open mention mental health issues, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia. N Rachel Hallows, she/her
Kitchen Witchcraft    Talk and discussion about practical herbalism and food as medicine. All welcome. Talk & Discussion. Zoom Open N N Eddi (they/them)
Peeling Back: What do you choose to show or hide to/from the world.
To create a layered portrait piece, with the option of peeling back portions of the layers. 1) What keeps you grounded? 2) What do you keep hidden? 3) Self-portrait 4) Wallpaper layer (how do you blend in). The final part is to choose what the participants show; by either showing their breakout room group or share with the larger group, and we'll spend a moment talking about what people might not share. The aim is to look at what might make up people in that moment, the third layer is a contemporary self-portrait, it doesn't need to be a literal self portrait, participants will be encouraged to have fun with what they making/drawing/creating a self portrait means to them. Although the workshop has a directed approach no one is forced to make art, or to make all of the layers, its about taking part and everyone is welcome to participate in the discussion or creation of art works. introduction, then art making, need to decided if we make art together as a large group then after a certain amount of time go into breakout rooms and the members of the group have a brief discussion amongst themselves, then we return to the larger group and will have time for others to share their experience, or ask more questions about art therapy etc. Zoom 50 N N Lee-Ann Sheehy from Artful Thinking; she/her.
Being Less Lonely Online & Off (which acronym is BLLOO) How can we find and engage in communities online (and real world) that are friendly to bisexual+ people? How will those spaces change when most in-person events resume? A talk, with opportunities for input and questions from attendees. lecture blended discussion Zoom 75 N N John G, he/him
Storytime A session for the parents of young children! As there are basically no books on bisexuality for kids, we’ll use stories looking at inclusion of all sorts. All ages of kids welcome, but books will mainly be aimed at under 8s. My daughter may join us for this session! Some interaction between Storyteller and families Zoom 12 families max N Parents/cares take full responsibility for their children at all times during the session.
Parents/carers MUST be present with their children, whether camera on or not!
Please don’t worry about how they behave, or what they may say! If parents wish to give their email address via chat, I can provide more book ideas afterwards
Nic (she/her)
Polyamory 101 - the basics of An extremely brief introduction to Polyamory for everyone just starting out on the road to this particular type of consensual non-monogamy. If you’re new to polyamory this is for you. We will probably cover common issues you might encounter, ways to get started, what style might make you happiest, strange new words, general tips and techniques, and whatever else we can get into the time. Plus why we all seem to worship Google Calendar! Lecture to a Q&A Zoom Open N No Eunice Hung, she/her
Everyday Makeup Tutorial. Suitable for all folks who want to wear make up, fun and informal. Tutorial Zoom Open N Folks are welcome to bring some or all of the below if they want to follow along:
Face primer
Eye primer
Nude eyeshadow palette
Black or brown eyeliner (liquid/gel/cream)
Brown pencil liner
Nude pencil liner
Setting Spray
Jemma She/Her
UNISON, Bi+ equality and intersectionality in the workplace UNISON is the largest trade union in the UK. We have a long and proud history of campaigning for bi equality in the workplace. Many of us suffer from discrimination because we are also Young, Black, Trans, Disabled or a woman too. Our workshop covers how UNISON campaigns against all discrimination in the workplace, and how our LGBT+, Women’s, Black, Disabled and Young members networks provide safe spaces for our members and work to eliminate all discrimination in the workplace workshop Zoom 40 N N Sophie Robinson, Judy R (she/her)
BiCon Group Photo Normally after BiCon closes we have a group photo taken with many of the attendees taking part. We’ll be doing our best to recreate that virtually!
To get an idea, last year’s is here
Drop in over the hour from the start time, take your turn to have your photo added to the gallery and then log back out of the zoom.
The photo will appear in the next issue of BCN magazine
drop in session Zoom Open N N Jen Yockney (she/her)
Bi Organisation Funding A report on bi organisation funding in the UK, the state of the community, and findings/recommendations from research carried out in May-June 2021 Presentation Zoom Open N N John G, he/him
Craftalong with Gemma Please come and let's craft together. All craft forms welcome from origami to colouring in to sewing or knitting. This is a low pressure space to hang out, chat and share the things we're making together. Chat & Hang Out Zoom 20 No Gemma (she/her)
Bring-A-Bi-Object Bring something along that represents bisexuality (or pansexuality etc) - either personally or generally. Tell us about it, and hear about others’ objects. No obligation to bring an object/speak if you’d rather just listen Interactive workshop, may include breakout rooms (numbers dependent). Zoom 100 Participants use common sense about what objects they bring/show please, being aware other participants may have children around. No Nic (she/her)
Bisexuals In Fandom
Do you write fanfiction, create fanart or cosplay, or make other kinds of fanworks like songvids? This is the session for you! Let’s get together for a chat about fandom, find connections with other fans, and discuss how we explore our sexuality and gender through the medium of fictional characters. Discussion group. Discord Open Perhaps an adult content warning as sometimes we talk about Adult-rated or sexual content in these sessions. N Elwin Elizabeth, they/them
No Pride in War: Queers resisting militarism and the arms trade Arms companies are sponsoring Pride events in Britain, while selling weapons to regimes such as Saudi Arabia that kill and torture queers. Meanwhile, armed forces are trying to pinkwash their image by marching in uniformed blocks on Pride parades.

The No Pride in War campaign consists of people who believe that queer liberation means resisting militarism, not submitting to it. This isn't about excluding any individuals from Pride; it's about stopping military organisations misusing us for their own ends.

Come along to explore the issues and make plans for resistance!

More information at

discussion Zoom, 20 Possible brief references to mental health and to sexual abuse (not detailed). Symon Hill (he/him)
Sexy Selfies: celebrating your queerness and body through the art of the selfie Taking sexy pictures can be an act of rebellion. Queer bodies deserve to be celebrated, and that starts with you. Join this discussion to find out about angles, tools, and props, but this will be secondary to the main discussion of loving your body in all forms. This space is body, kink and gender positive. Presentation, with discussion during the presentation. Zoom 25 possible censored nudity N Amy Lou, they/them
Bis of colour and BAME safe space
A safe space for bi+ POC and BAME people. There won't be any set topics, and participants can simply talk about and share experiences or just be in the space. There's no pressure for people to contribute to any discussions Informal discussion Zoom 15 racist, biphobic, acephobic, transphobic and/or ableist incidents. N Yvonne she/her
Yes, All Men: Taking responsibility and dismantling the patriarchy. Men's responsibility to address male violence and challenge misogyny. Exploring the damage caused by patriarchy to people socialised as male. This is for everyone with a particular focus on cis men. I'll be doing a short presentation (10-20 mins) followed by a panel discussion and closed out with a Q&A. Zoom Open Rape, sexual assault and sexual harrassment. No Al Reid (They/Them).
What does the Bible really say about sex and sexuality? Join us as we dive into the Bible to explore for ourselves what it has to say about sex and sexuality. This session is particularly suited to people who are not too familiar with the Bible, but others are welcome too.

We will focus on some comments attributed to Jesus, looking briefly at the historical background and asking what relevance they have for us today.

This session is not an attempt to convert you to Christianity! You're invited whatever your religious or non-religious views.

The session is partly based on my book The Upside-Down Bible:

discussion Zoom 15 Refereces to sexual violence and sexual harrassment, but probably not in detail. Symon Hill (he/him)
Spoonie Sex! (Sex and Disability) This session is for disabled, chronically ill and neurodiverse folks, their partners and allies. There will be show and tell elements and the session will cover three main topics; masturbation, spoonie friendly sex positions and kink & communication. Lecture + discussion groups. Maybe breakout rooms. Zoom 50 Y - Sex consent, disability and mental health. Some people may need space to talk about trauma. Strictly 18+ Naomi (she/they)
The BiCon Ball! The theme of the ball this year is Bi Icons (BIcons). Because everything is online this year, we don't want to 'make' people fully dress up, but take you head & shoulders for a spin & pop on your camera. We want to see Pride flags, awesome hats, and if you'd like to dressing up as your fave Bi Icon we HIGHLY encourage this. DJ & Mod will be hosting this and music will also be by request. Ball Zoom Open None Can't do talking on a mic due to funtionality but can use the Chat function.
Stu (he/him)
Trans+ Safer Space A safer space for trans people. Trans (adjective) = anyone whose sense of gender does not align with that of their sex assigned at birth. This includes trans men and women, as well as nonbinary+ and agender people. The group is also open to those who are unsure or questioning their gender. This will be a protected space to discuss things related to: identity, pronouns, discrimination, dysphoria, transition, family, coming out, etc. You can present your gender however you feel comfortable (it doesn’t have to match anyone’s expectations), and use any name and pronouns that feel right for you (you can change your mind). This is a confidential space, your attendance and any identifying details may not be disclosed without consent. Open with the group guidelines first, make sure everyone knows how to disconnect their audio if they need to, and has support in place if anything comes up. Check in with name, pronouns, something you would like to share, everyone offered a turn to speak. A free form discussion around suggested topics will follow, closed with a check in. People can use Chat if they want to request a topic. Zoom 15 Abuse topics may come up during discussion, but no detailed descriptions of abuse or violence without trigger warnings. some topics may arise that could be unsuitable for people under 18. None Mel (he/him)
Biscuit's Big Bi Quiz A classic pub quiz with a bisexual twist, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes donated by Biscuit. As this is taking place over Zoom, we will be playing as individuals, not teams. You'll need a paper and pen, and you'll be marking your own answers so no cheating. Quiz Zoom Open None None Libby (she/her)
Asians in bi+ and queer contexts
Asian bi+ folks are an often-overlooked minority within the LGBTQIA+ and bi+ BIPOC community. In this session, we will give insights on the intersectionality of Asian Bi+ from lived experiences in different countries, and together reflect on the misrepresentations and prejudices which affect Asian queers. Lecture, blended discussion Zoom Open Anti-Asian racism, sexism, bi-phobia Open for all, not only BIPOC/BAME Sakura (she/her) & Jessica (she/her)
The Short Guide to Accessibility This session should help you to make your event or group more accessible to disabled people, and also to neurodiverse people who may not define as disabled such as autistic people. I’ll do a short presentation with slides and then open up to questions and discussion. Attendees will be able to get a copy of the slides and handout, please ask if you need these in advance for access reasons. Presentation 15min approx followed by Q and A Zoom 25 Some general examples of poor access and inclusion None Rowan Alison, they/them
Meet BiCon Continuity If you’re interested in knowing more about BiCon Continuity this is the session for you. Continuity is the charity which looks after BiCon’s money and approves teams to run BiCon each year as well as as well as supporting and funding other bisexual activism and activities. In this session we’ll do a short intro about what we do and what we’ve been up to this year and then try to answer some questions. If you have any questions you want to send us in advance you can email, or just ask on the day.
Presentation 15min approx followed by Q and A Zoom 30 Rowan and Elizabeth are BiCon Continuity Trustees Rowan Alison, they/them, Elizabeth Barner, she/her
Disability Safe Space A space where disabled BiFolk can come and meet other diabled BiFolks for an easy going chat. You can be as neurodiverse as you like, you do not have to hide symptoms or mask. This is a space free from ableism, there is no pressure to have your video or microphone turned on. You are welcome to just sit and be in the space. Open discussion Zoom 20 There will likely be discussions of ableism and ableist experiances. We cannot guarentee there will not be stressful and upsetting topics that arise; the facilitator/moderator intends to keep particulaly distressing topics to 5-10 minutes to ensure that every individuals safety is taken into account, however you are more than welcome to reach out if you are uncomfortable and we will move the dicsussion forward. You are welcome to drop in and out of the space as needed. This will be split into 2 breakout rooms at some point in the session if the space is full. This is to enable everybody to have a chance to talk. Jules O (they/she)
Gather chat social space Come play board games, draw pictures, play the piano, dance to music or just chat with your friends! Choose a small private space for all your mates, an intimate booth for two, or just hang out in the main space with everyone, however you like to chill! Informal chat, games and party space! Gather 20 None System specs:
Desktop or laptop with webcam and either internal or external mic.
OS: Windows, Mac or Linux Browsers: Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
*Sorry - won’t work on smartphones or iPads*.
Web address will be given out nearer the time!
Suzy Rachel she/her
MultiFaith Spiritual Space Session facilitated space to explore being spiritual in Bi Space and Bi (or an Ally) in our different spiritual spaces - for people of all faiths and none. A mixture of discussions, reflection and exercises including sound and gentle (in chair) movement. You only need to bring yourself but you may like to have a candle (and something to light it with) next to you to help us mark our special time/space together and/or an object that has had spiritual or emotional meaning for you during Lockdown that you would be happy to show to the rest of us. Spiritual discussions, reflection and exercises Zoom 35 This workshop is for everyone. Many Bi people and allies have had painful experiences in Spiritual and Faith spaces and our discussions may well touch on that and/or on how some people find spiritual meaning in sex - so you should be prepared for those topics to come up. No one will be forced to disclose anything, this is not a therapy session, and we will work within the comfort levels of our group as we are on the day None Ludy (they/them)
Queer in Academia In this session, we want to talk about being queer in academia. Share your own experiences or discuss how to improve the situation through more visibility & representation as well as concrete steps like pushing academic publishers to adopt name change policies. Discussion Zoom Open This will depend on what participants share during the session, there are no formal warnings at this time None Jost (they/them)
Speed friending Small groups or pairs will speak on pre-arranged topics as a speed friending session - or just ignore the topics and have a chat! Small group chats Discord/Gather 50 None please see access info for the platforms and choose your session Suzy Rachel she/her
Kink 101 An introduction to various aspect of BDSM and the Kink Community and a Q&A about the topic
Intro and discussion Zoom 25 Rape/ Sexual Violence, Medical Procedures, Sexiusm/ misogyny , Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia , Abuse Strictly 18+ Das Puma (She/Her)
Making Rope Intersectional A discussion about rope play and how its preceived limits in the kink community can be pushed and being enjoyed more people.This is includes all body types and disabilities and genders. Lecture and discussion Zoom 25 Rape/ Sexual Violence, Medical Procedures, Sexiusm/ misogyny , Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia , Abuse, Fatphobia , Ableism, Weight, Other Phobias Strictly 18+ Das Puma (She/Her)
Bi community groups and events organisers meet This session is for anyone who runs or helps out with a bi group or event anywhere in the world. We also welcome people who intend to or want to run a bi group or event in future.
We'll chat about our experiences and challenges and share solutions and good ideas together.
Discussion Zoom Open None None Ele Hicks she/her
Chat Breakouts Small breakout rooms to get to know each other and chat informally. Informal discussions on zoom - in smaller rooms of 4 people per room Zoom 50 None None Kate she/her
Pre DMP Preparation for BiCon’s decision-making meeting on Sunday. Anyone wishing to raise an issue (guideline change, request for funding, run a future BiCon etc.) should come to this meeting or send a proxy, so that we can add it to the agenda published in advance. chaired discussion zoom Open - agenda reach out in early July none none David he/him
DMP BiCon’s decision-making session, where decisions are taken about how BiCon should be run chaired discussion with voting zoom Open - agenda set in advance - see web page DMP none none David he/him
Bisexuals working in education or who are students A chance for those of us working or studying in schools, colleges, universities or other forms of education to get together for a chat. informal discussion zoom open none none Grant he/him
cops and bi spaces, past and present cops have a history of not being a positive presence in lgbtq spaces. we’ll talk a little bit about the history, and how it plays into the queer jewish anarchist pay what you can cafe we're opening half presentation, half discussion zoom 100 PG/family friendly session will be recorded and posted online later - only speak directly if you want to appear on the recording miles grant, pink peacock café, he/him
Health Inequalities in Bisexual People and Where to Access Help Experiences of bisexual people accessing healthcare are rarely discussed even though we have a higher risk of general and mental health problems. But guess what? You’re not alone. This session will cover the health inequalities and access issues experienced by bisexual people, as well as recommendations of safe organisations to access and ones to avoid Presentation and open discussion zoom open Discussions may include mental health, discrimination and bi/queer/transphobia, HIV/AIDs, cancer, weight, eating disorders, personality disorders, substance abuse, suicidal/self harm, sexism, misogyny, abuse, therapy, medical procedures, general health issues and conditions none Darci she/they
Antiziganism in the UK An overview of Antiziganism in the UK, covering the definition of antiziganism, its history, common current manifestations and what can be done about it presetnation and Q&A zoom 100 discussion of prejudice, anti ziganism specifically, may mention other racism and discriminations or prejudices, police brutality and domestic violence could be mentioned No Finn Townsley (he/him)
Black queer history Presentation of history presentation and Q&A zoom 30 racism, discrimination, prejudice no Carys she/they